Dr. Karma Diki Bhutia

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Dr. Yodida Bhutia   Dr. Karma Diki Bhutia

   Designation: Assistant Professor

   Date of Joining:23/05/2014

   Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Academic record & distinction 

M.Sc. (Hort): Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University (Gold Medalist)

Ph.D ( Hort) : Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal

Areas of Specialization

Pomology and Post Harvest Technology

Research Guidance:

PhD Research: 01 awarded, 02 registered
M.Sc. Desertion: 10 plus awarded

Publications & Projects:

Publications in Journals: 16; Book chapters: 05; Research projects: 03.

 Latest Publications

  1. K. D Bhutia, C. P. Suresh, Nazir A. Pala, Gopal Shukla and Sumit Chakravarty. (2018).Nutraceutical Potential of Some Wild Edible Fruits of Sikkim, Himalaya, India. in Studies on Ethno-Medicine, 2(1,2): 106-112 IISN 0973-5070
  2. L, Sharma, B, Dahal and K.D Bhutia. (2017). Integration of Traditional Knowledge for Pest Management in Organic Farming in West Sikkim Agro Ecosystem. in Environment & Ecology, 35 (4C) : 3127—3131. ISSN 0970-0420 .
  3. Sumit Chakravarty, K.D. Bhutia , C. P. Suresh , Gopal Shukla and Nazir A. (2016). A review on diversity, conservation and nutrition of wild edible fruits. Pala in Journal of Applied and Natural Science 8(4): 2346-2353 ISSN : 0974-9411
  4. K.D Bhutia, N.A Pala, G. Shukla, K. Pradhan, C.P Suresh and S. Chakravarty. (2015). Informants’ consensus and knowledge on the use of wild edible fruits from Sikkim, India. Journal of Hill Agriculture, 6(2): 207-212 ISSN:0976-7606 and 2230-7338.
  5. L. Sharma, A. Pradhan, K.D Bhutia, D. L Tamang and S.G Bhutia. (2015). Local Crop germplasm and landrace diversity in West Sikkim. J. Agric. Technol., 2(1&2) Pp. 57-59. ISSN:2438-4721.
  6. P. Subba, M. Mukhopadhyay, S. K Mahato, K. D Bhutia, T. K Mondal and S.K Ghosh . (2014). Zinc stress induces physiological, ultra structural and biochemical changes in mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata blanco) seedlings. Physiol Mol Biol Plants (2014) Pp. 20: 461-473 ISSN 0971-5894.
  7. C. P. Suresh, K. D. Bhutia, G. Shukla, K. Pradhan and S. Chakravarty. (2014). Wild Edible Tree Fruits of Sikkim Himalayas. Journal of Tree Sciences. 33 (1):43-48. ISSN 0970-7662.
  8. K.D Bhutia, C.P Suresh and P. Subba (2013) Nutritional composition of some minor fruits of the Sikkim Himalayas. Developing the Potential of underutilized Horticultural crops of Hill Region. Pp. 567-569, ISBN 81-7019-473-3.

Book chapters:-

  1. Elaeocarpus sikkimensis Mast (Hooker) Upadhyay Sujata, Pandey Yamuna, Bhutia Karma Diki 2021. In: Perennial Underutilized Horticultural Species of India (Eds) Waman Ajit Arun, Bohra Pooja. Jaya Publishing House, New Delhi.pp.105-111 [ISBN: 978-93-90611-38-6 (HB), 978-93-90611-30-0 (PB)]
  2. Spondias axillaris Roxb.Upadhyay Sujata, Pandey Yamuna, Bhutia Karma Diki 2021. In: Perennial Underutilized Horticultural Species of India (Eds) Waman Ajit Arun, Bohra Pooja. Jaya Publishing House, New Delhi.pp.312-320 [ISBN: 978-93-90611-38-6 (HB), 978-93-90611-30-0 (PB)]

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