Mr. Bappaditya Adhikary

Sikkim University Official Website


   Mr. Bappaditya Adhikary

   Designation:Assistant Professor (On Contract)

   Date of joining: 05/05/2021

   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Academic record & distinction 

M.A. (History), CSJMU, Kanpur

M.A. (History), CSJMU, Kanpur

M.A. (History), IGNOU, GuwahatiM.A. (Education), NSOU, Kolkata

B.Ed. & M.Ed., Sikkim University, Gangtok

UGC-NET in EducationWB SET in Education

Areas of Specialization

Teacher Education, Action Research, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Technology, Pedagogy of Teaching History

Latest Publications

  1. Adhikary, B (2018), “Innovative Practices on Teaching and Teacher Education” Journal of Advances & Scholarly Researches in Allied Education. ISSN: 2230-7540, Vol. 14, Issue -2, Jan-2018

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