Dr. Rangalal Mahapatra
Designation: Assistant Professor
Date of Joining: 13/08/2012
Academic record & distinction
MA (university of Hyderabad), UGC NET(Economics), PhD: Department of A & A Economics, Utkal University, Odisha.
Areas of Specialization
Applied Microeconomics, Efficiency and Productivity (DEA and SFA), Economics of Education, and Inequality and Poverty.
Latest Publications
- Mohapatra, R. and Lama, B. (2024) An Analysis of the Determinants of productivity of Assam Tea Growers. SN Business Economics, 4(152):1-33. Springer
- Mohapatra, R. and Deori, U. (2022). Determinants of Rural out-migrant Households’ Asset and expenditure Pattern at the place of origin: An Empirical study in Assam. Artha Vijnana. LXIV(IV).313-338.
- Mohapatra, R. and (two others) (2022) Assessing Department level Academic Efficiency of a Central University using DEA techniques: A case study. The Indian Journal of Economics. CII (407) part IV: 549-572.
- Lama, B. and Mohapatra, R. (2022) Farm size and cost efficiency of the tea growers in Assam: A DEA analysis. Indian journal of Economics and development. 18(3):507-518.
Latest Books:
- Mohapatra, R. (2023 reprint). Microeconomics-I: An Intuitive Analysis. Manakin Press. New Delhi. ISBN-9789389296419.
- Mohapatra, R. and Portel. B. (2023). Organic Agriculture: Past and Present with an empirical study of organic food and cash crops of Sikkim. Ansh Book International, New Delhi. ISBN:9788195693054.
PhD Awarded-03 and MPhil awarded- 07