Dr. Rangalal Mohapatra

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  Dr. Rangalal Mahapatra
Assistant Professor

  Date of Joining: 13/08/2012
  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Academic record & distinction

MA (university of Hyderabad), UGC NET(Economics), PhD: Department of A & A Economics, Utkal University, Odisha. 

Areas of Specialization

Applied Microeconomics, Efficiency and Productivity (DEA and SFA), Economics of Education, and Inequality and Poverty.

Latest Publications

  1. Mohapatra, R. and Lama, B. (2024) An Analysis of the Determinants of productivity of Assam Tea Growers. SN Business Economics, 4(152):1-33. Springer
  2. Mohapatra, R. and Deori, U. (2022). Determinants of Rural out-migrant Households’ Asset and expenditure Pattern at the place of origin: An Empirical study in Assam. Artha Vijnana. LXIV(IV).313-338.
  3. Mohapatra, R. and (two others) (2022) Assessing Department level Academic Efficiency of a Central University using DEA techniques: A case study. The Indian Journal of Economics. CII (407) part IV: 549-572.
  4. Lama, B. and Mohapatra, R. (2022) Farm size and cost efficiency of the tea growers in Assam: A DEA analysis. Indian journal of Economics and development. 18(3):507-518.

Latest Books:

  1. Mohapatra, R. (2023 reprint). Microeconomics-I: An Intuitive Analysis. Manakin Press. New Delhi. ISBN-9789389296419.
  2. Mohapatra, R. and Portel. B. (2023). Organic Agriculture: Past and Present with an empirical study of organic food and cash crops of Sikkim. Ansh Book International, New Delhi. ISBN:9788195693054.

PhD Awarded-03 and MPhil awarded- 07

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