Dr Manisha Subba

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   Dr. Manisha Subba

   Designation: Assistant Professor 

   Date of joining: 05.07.2023

   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Academic Record

A. History (Miranda House), M. A. History, University of Delhi

Ed., Ph. D. in Education (Central Institute of Education), University of Delhi

JRF-NET in Education

Area of Specialization

Pedagogy of History, Pedagogy of Social Science, Contemporary India, History of Education, Elementary Education

Latest Publications

  1. Subba, M. (2012). Deconstructing History texts: Addressing the notions of reality, representation and relevance in the Manipur state textbooks. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.ISBN No. 978-3-659-11727-5
  2. Subba, M., & Sharma, D. (2021). Portrayal of farmers and agriculture in school textbooks, Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11:5, pp. 110-120.ISSN No. 2249-9598 


  3. Subba, M. (2022). A study on education, conflict and learners in Manipur, International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities, 13:6, pp. 117-128.ISSN No. 2348-9359 DOI:   https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH 
    (PDF) A Study on Education, Conflict and Learners in Manipur | International Res Jour Managt Socio Human and Manisha Subba - Academia.edu
  4. Dagar, N., Shukla, P., & Subba, M. (2023). Learners’ perception regarding History subject at the elementary level, Samikhiya: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Mata Sundri College for Women, University of Delhi, 2:1, pp. 1-5.ISSN No. 2583-827X PAPER-1.pdf (mscw.ac.in)
  5. Sharma, D., & Subba, M. (2023). Possibilities of peer mentoring in pre-service teacher education: Reflections from the field, International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation, 8:7, pp. 433-437.ISSN No. 2456-3315 3315 DOI: 10.6084/m9.doione.IJRTI2307065


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