Dr. Rajesh Kumar

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  Dr. Rajesh Kumar
  Designation: Assistant Professor
  Date of Joining: 06-10-2020
  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic record & distinction

M.A., M.Phil.,and PhD (Geography) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

UGC-JRF in Geography

PhD Title: “Fluvial Processes in Lower Rapti River Basin: A Case Study of Impacts on Arable Land”

Areas of Specialization 

Fluvial Geomorphology, Remote Sensing and GIS

Latest Publications

  1. Kumar R. and Acharya P. (2016) Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment of 2014 Floods in Kashmir Valley: A Space-based Multisensor Approach.Natural Hazards, 84(1), pp.437–464. (IF= 2.427)
  2. Sharma M.C., Pandey V.K., Kumar R., Latief S.U., Chakraborty E., and Acharya P. (2018) Seasonal Characteristics of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass Concentrations and Influence of Meteorology, New Delhi (India). Urban Climate, 24, pp. 968-81. (IF=3.834)
  3. Debnath M., Syiemlieh H.J., Sharma M.C., Kumar R., Chowdhury A., and Lal U. (2018) Glacial Lake Dynamics and Lake Surface Temperature Assessment along the Kangchengayo-Pauhunri Massif, Sikkim Himalaya, 1988-2014. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 9, pp. 26-41. (Cite Score=3.2 )
  4. Singh R., Shekhar M., Pandey V.K., Kumar R., and Sharma R.K.(2018) Causes and Geomorphological Effects of Large Debris Flows in the Lower Valley Areas of the Meru and Gangotri Glaciers, Bhagirathi Basin, Garhwal Himalaya (India).Remote Sensing Letters, 9 (8), pp. 809-18. (IF=2.024 )
  5. Kumar, R. (2019) Flood Frequency Analysis of the Rapti River Basin Using Log Pearson Type-III and Gumbel Extreme Value-1 Methods. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 94 (5), pp. 480–84. (IF=0.899)
  6. Kumar, R., Pandey V.K., and Sharma, M.C. (2019). Assessing the Human Role in Changing Floodplain and Channel Belt of the Yamuna River in National Capital Territory of Delhi, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing,47 (8), pp.1347–55. (IF=0.997 )


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