Mr. Badikar Ananda Ganapati

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  Dr. Badikar Ananda Ganapati
 Assistant Professor

  Date of Joining: 07/2011
  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Academic record & distinction

MSc (Geology) University of Pune

PhD Topic: ‘Mineral Magnetic and Petrographic studies across Marine to Continental Transition in the Bengal basin and its comparison with Himalayan Foreland basin’

Areas of Specialization

Sedimentology, Petrography, Stratigraphy and Environmental magnetism

Latest Publications

  1. S.S. Gudadhe, S.J. Sangode, S.K. Patil, D.M. Chate, D.C. Meshram, A.G. Badekar(2012) ‘Pre- and post- monsoon variations in the magnetic susceptibilities of soils of Mumbai metropolitan region: implication to surface redistribution of urban soils loaded with anthropogenic particulates’, Envi. Earth Sci.,67(3): 813-831.
  2. A.G. Badekar, S. J. Sangode, S. K. Ghosh, R. P. Tiwari, D. C. Meshram, J. Malswma, P. Lalnuntluanga. (2012) ‘Petromineralogic and Rock magnetic aspects of Clastic Sedimentation in the Surma basin, Mizoram, India’, Jour. Geol. Soc. of India, 82 (1): 23-37.
  3. S.J. Sangode, Rohtash Kumar, S.K. Ghosh, A.G. Badekar. (2010) ‘Magnetic Stratigraphy Across an Early Palaeogene Marine to Continental transition (Subathu-Dagshai) in the Himalayan Foreland Basin, NW Himalaya, India’, Gond. Geol. Mag. India, 25(2): 227-238.

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