Manual 5


  1. I.The composition of members of Executive Council is mentioned under Statute 11 of the Sikkim University Act and the same is reproduced below:

11. (1) The Executive Council shall consist of the following members, namely.

  1. Vice Chancellor,
  2. Pro Vice Chancellor or Rector, ex-officio,
  3. Deans of the Students, ex-officio,
  4. Four Deans of Schools by rotation according to seniority, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
  5. One Professor, other than a Dean by rotation according to seniority, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
  6. One Associate Professor by rotation according to seniority, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
  7. Two members of the Court, to be nominated by the Visitor, none of whom shall be an employee of the University or a college or an institution affiliated to or recognized by the University.
  8. One representative from the University Grants Commission
  9. Three persons nominated by the Visitor
  10. Five persons to be nominated by the Visitor on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor of which one will be the Secretary, Department of Human Resources Development, Government of Sikkim.

The Registrar of the University shall be the Secretary to the Executive Council.

Constitution of the Executive Council

(2)All the members of the Executive Council, other than ex-officio members, shall hold office for a term of three years.        (3)12 members out of total of 20 or two-third of the existing members of the Executive Council shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Executive Council.

Terms of office of the members of the Executive Council

Quorum for the meetings of the Executive Council

  1. II.The composition of members of Academic Council is mentioned under Statute 13 of the Sikkim University Act and the same is reproduced below:

13. (1) The Academic Council shall consist of the following members, namely:

  1. Vice Chancellor,
    1. Pro Vice Chancellor or the Rector or the Rectors,
    2. Deans of Schools,
    3. Deans of Student’s Welfare,
    4. Heads/Chairpersons of Departments and Centres of Students,
    5. The University Librarian,
    6. Controller of Examinations,
    7. The Chief Proctor
    8. One Professor and One Associate Professor other than those referred to in items (ii),(iii),(iv) and (v) from each School of Studies, Special Centres by rotation in order of seniority within the School.

Principals of Affiliated Colleges

  1. Two Principals of Colleges admitted to the privileges of the University, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor: provided the Principal should be a full-fledged as per UGC rule.

Visitor’s Nominees

  1. Five persons, not being employees of the University or of a college or institution by or affiliated to it, to be nominated by the Visitor for their special knowledge.

Vice Chancellor’s Nominees

  1. Two persons, not being employees of the University or of a college or institution by or affiliated to it, to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor.

The Registrar of the University shall be the Secretary to the Academic Council.

Constitution of the Academic Council

  1. All members of the Academic Council, other than the ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of two years.
  2. One–third of the existing members of the Academic Council shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Academic Council.

Terms of office of the members of the Academic Council

Quorum of meetings of the Academic Council

17. (1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:-
    1. the Vice-Chancellor;
    2. the Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
    3. three persons to be nominated by the Executive Council, out of whom at least one shall be a member of the Executive Council; and
    4. three persons to be nominated by the Visitor.

(2)Five members of the Finance Committee shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Finance Committee.

(3)All the members of the Finance Committee, other than ex officio members, shall hold office for a term of three years.

The Finance Committee

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