Dr. Manju Rana


  Dr. Manju Rana

  Designation: Assistant Professor

  Date of Joining: 29.03.2012

  E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Academic record & distinction 

PhD Horticulture (Floriculture and Landscaping) with minor in Plant Physiology) (2006-2009) from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (UK)

MSc (Ag) Horticulture (Floriculture and Landscaping) (2003-2005) from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar (UK)

Areas of Specialization

Production technology under organic farming; Propagation technology (in vivo & in vitro), Physiological study and Postharvest handling of Ornamental Horticulture Crops. 

Research Guidance:

PhD Research: 01 awarded, 03 registered

M.Sc. Desertion: 20 plus awarded

Number of Publications & Projects:

Publications in Journals: 12; Book chapters: 05; Popular Article: 02; Research projects:  02

Latest Research Paper

  1. Rai O, Rana M and Bag N. (2020). Micropropagation of Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae). Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-01023-w
  2. Bhattarai B and Rana M. (2020). Diversified morphological and phytochemical screening of Wild Begonia of Sikkim Himalaya. Env. & Cons. 26 (February Suppl. Issue): S136-S145
  3. Rai S and Rana M. (2019). Comparative Evaluation of Growth and Flowering Characteristic of Alstroemeria Varieties under Sikkim Condition. J. Curr. Microbiol. & App. Sci. 8(8): 929-933 https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.808.107
  4. Rana M, Gurung R and Pradeep K. (2018). Study on effect of SNP as holding solution on vase life of cut Gladiolus cv.Candyman in comparison to AgNO3. Bioved, 29(1) : 111–115
  5. Sharma M, Rana M, Sharma P and Das SK. (2016) Effect of Different Organic Substrates and Plant Botanicals on Growth and Flowering of Chincherinchee (Ornithogalum thyrosides) Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 29(2):72-74
  6. Bhattaraj A, Rana M, B Roy, Tiwari A and Tripati A. (2015). Optical characterization of medicinal plants’ extracts used for the treatment of Diabetes. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plant, 21(1): 86-101 

 Book Chapters

  1. A Kumar, M Rana, M Kapoor, S Misra, S K Sharma. (2017). Gaillardia In: Commercial Ornamental Crops- Traditional and loose Flowers. (Ed) RL Misha and S Misra. International Publisher Kruger Brentt Publisher, Misslesex, HA, UK.pp.111-122
  1. A Kumar, M Kapoor, M Rana S Misra,  R L Misra. (2017). Tagetes In: Commercial Ornamental Crops- Traditional and loose Flowers. (Ed) RL Misha and S Misra. International Publisher Kruger Brentt Publisher, Misslesex, HA, UK.pp.295-310
  1. A Kapoor, S Misra, M Kapoor, S K Sharma, M Rana. (2017). Gomphrena In: Commercial Ornamental Crops- Traditional and loose Flowers. (Ed) RL Misha and S Misra. International Publisher Kruger Brentt Publisher, Misslesex, HA, UK.pp.123-130
  1. L C De, M Rana and S Pradhan.  (2016). Protected cultivation of Roses. In: Protected Cultivation of Ornamental Plants. (Ed) L C De. Aavishkar Publisher & Distributors, Jaipur.pp. 169-179
  1. L C De, R Kumar and M Rana (2016). Protected cultivation of Bulbous Ornamental. In: Protected Cultivation of Ornamental Plants. (Ed) L C De. Aavishkar Publisher & Distributors, Jaipur.pp. 241-254 

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